Management guidelines for head and neck cancers such as those of the NCCN are often inappropriate for limited resource settings due to lack of access to special investigations, radiation therapy, and even thyroid and calcium replacement. Hence the AfHNS has promulgated these management guidelines that are adapted to limited resource settings. These guidelines will assist clinicians to provide appropriate best practice that will benefit patients with head and neck cancers living in developing countries.

These guidelines have been formulated by African head and neck surgeons and oncologists, in consultation with  American and European colleagues. Guidelines have been completed for Thyroid nodules, cancers and large goitres; Parotid Tumours and Cancers; Submandibular tumours and cancers; and Glottic, Supraglottic,  Hypopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal cancers. The AfHNS Clinical Practice Guidelines for Head & Neck Cancers in Developing Countries and Limited Resource Setting is a work in progress, and additional tumour sites will be added in the future.

Index page of Cancer sites